miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017

MEMORY OF CROSS 20/ 12/ 17

Today when we went to the cross, I felt pretty good because I had trained several weeks and I am proud of having reached the finish line with a very good position.
when we left I started to run slowly until the second lap I started to run harder and on the small lap I ran as hard as I could, when I reached the finish line I did not feel tired and I feel proud to have reached the goal.

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

3 WEEK (CROSS) 6/11   AL 12/11

Today I started with a continuous race for 15 minutes, then running fast for 30 minutes and 15 minutes of continuous racing and I made 2 stops one of 3 minutes and one of 1 minute, in total 1 hour.

2º I  went running for 35 minutes with continuous running.

I went running for 40 minutes I made a continuous race I took a break of 5 minutes to drink water and I stretched and started running fast for 20 minutes, I made a 1 minute stop and started again with a continuous race until I arrived to my house, in total 1h and 38 minutes

2º WEEK (CROSS) 30/ 10 AL 5/11

1º   I went running, started with 5 minutes jogging fast, then 10 minutes of continuous running, stop 3 minutes and stretch a little, and started running for 10 minutes fast. and then 15 minutes of total continuous race

2º This time I made 25 minutes of continuous Racing.

I went out for a quick walk for 1h and 30 with my mother in a mountainous area and I did not stop

1º WEEK.  (CROSS) 23/10 AL 29/10

went for a walk and combined 20 minutes walking at a light pace and another 20 minutes jogging making stops of 30 seconds every 7 minutes. In the afternoon I went to the dance 1h and 30 min

I started running but I started walking softly for 10 minutes then 10 minutes walking more time 10 minutes jogging and then I made a stop for 3 to 5 minutes, stretch a bit and after the stop I started jogging again, and when there were 5 minutes left to get home I made a continuous career in total I did 45 min.

I went running because my bike was broken, this time I did 50 minutes 20 minutes jogging, I stopped 5 minutes and started walking fast for 10 minutes and 10 fast walking and 10 minutes of continuous running

I went out to run alone because I do not like to run with people

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017


1º   When did you start playing vóley ?

When he was 13 years

2º  Do you still play ?

No he didn't

3º  Are vóley and beach vóley the same ?
No they aren't because of the number of players

4º   Which team did you play in ?

He played whith Caravaca and cehegin team

5º  Which role did you play ?


Have you won championship ?

Yes he was 24 h beach volley , ceheginm blanca ....

  Did you have any vóley partner ?

Yes he had italians, romanian galician american Madrid bracilian and hawaian

  Did your partner influence you ?

 Discipline, self esteeam, self improvemment

  Can you give me same advice ? 
 Players have to enjoy the game

10º What do you recommend to the begines?

Golpe técnico , posición y los pies bien colocados

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Memory the cross 2017

Memory the cross  2017

(1º Entrada)

Hello, I am Andrea and I take the plan C because When we went to running, I endure the 20 minutes  running and I felt  very good .

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


I felt pretty good because

as I go out almost every day to run I did not have much time

to prepare.


My experience in athletics was quite good because

I had a great time and I did all the tests,

so I feel good although I could see more runs

Although I feel very proud to have finished all the tests

and with good position.


I have felt pretty good with the position

that remains but next wing inentare do better.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2017


My opinion about the orieentering has very  good, I liked it a lot and it was very funny.

In class we practiced a lot and we went out and did orientation and also entered the hig school, The teacher  has  got taught us many things about the orientation and therefore the result has got  very good. 

I was very nervous at the beginning because I thought that I was going to take things and things like that, but when I got into the race, I was nervous.

For me it was a unique experience because it was very  fun.



 Map: The map is a  Geographical representation of the Earth, or part of it, on a flat surface, according to a scale.

 Compas:  The compas is a An instrument for orienting which consists of a box whose background represents the rose of the winds and in which there is a magnetized needle that turns freely on an axis and that always indicates magnetic north.

What is  the orientering? Action of orienting or placing a thing with respect to a fixed point


A beacon is a pointing object, used to indicate a geographical location