sábado, 14 de enero de 2017


My opinion about the orieentering has very  good, I liked it a lot and it was very funny.

In class we practiced a lot and we went out and did orientation and also entered the hig school, The teacher  has  got taught us many things about the orientation and therefore the result has got  very good. 

I was very nervous at the beginning because I thought that I was going to take things and things like that, but when I got into the race, I was nervous.

For me it was a unique experience because it was very  fun.



 Map: The map is a  Geographical representation of the Earth, or part of it, on a flat surface, according to a scale.

 Compas:  The compas is a An instrument for orienting which consists of a box whose background represents the rose of the winds and in which there is a magnetized needle that turns freely on an axis and that always indicates magnetic north.

What is  the orientering? Action of orienting or placing a thing with respect to a fixed point


A beacon is a pointing object, used to indicate a geographical location

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